Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Present for Mommy....

given with love from Addison...... Here you go mom, she says in her 21 month old mix of words. I turn around to see her outstretched hands holding her diaper. Great! She seems to be getting ready to potty train since every time she pee's she takes off the diaper and wants a new one on. This time however I got an extra special present with the diaper.....yes, it is what you are thinking! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Sick. I guess the good news was that it was all contained within the diaper and her cute little bum. Nothing on the floor or walls. She simply didnt want a dirty diaper on. Cant blame a girl for that! I guess I will go buy a training potty today and see what we can accomplish this week. Im keeping my fingers crossed that it will be quick and painless and I wont have to buy another package of diapers next week. Woo hoo! My life is so exciting isnt it?


shannon4 said...

OK....I finally commented on Alec's blog. It was a little confusing at first but I somehow managed to add a little paragraph and really cute picture of the girls. I found other pictures that I wanted to add underneath the text but just couldn't seem to figure out how to do it. All is well here! I hope that potty training Addison is quick and easy. Kay was so easy and Kamryn was a pure booger! She was 3 before she would use the potty. Oh well! Scott is referring tonight and I am just cleaning house and doing laundry. Imagine that! Tell everyone we said hello.

Alisha said...

Good to see a comment from Stacy...has she started a blog yet? Good luck this week with Addison. My girls hated diapers, which inspired them to be early potty-trainers!

Melanie said...

Fun for you! Good luck.