Thursday, June 11, 2009

Summertime Blues....

Its only the 3rd day with the kids being home for the Summer and Im already feeling the "crazies" coming on. I went from having 2 kids in the house all day (Soren and Addie) to having 5 kids in the house. And thanks to the constant rain that we have had for the past 5 days, we are all going stir crazy because the boys cant go outside! Help!

Ive been meaning to post this little note that Evan received from his friend at school. I thought it was so cute and it reminded me of a time when Friends were such an important part of my world too. Friends are so important to Evan....something like this will make his whole year and on the other hand, a "not-so-nice" comment from a supposed friend will crush him. He craves positive attention from his friends.....but then who doesnt?

Evan brought home his report card on Tuesday. At this age, grades seem to be pretty general. There isnt much to focus on unless your child is just wild and doesnt do anything. However, the tests that they administer on a national level are a good indicator of how your child is doing in comparison to other children in the same grade around the country. Its always comforting to know that your child is right on track. Evan's Dibels test scores were awesome! This tests their reading abilities. By the end of his 1st grade year the score necessary to be "on track" with his first grade peers should be a 40...Evan scored a 74!~ His teacher marked him as an advanced reader in his class. Im so happy to know that my love of reading has possibly rubbed off onto my 2 boys. They may change their minds later and decide that reading is no fun, but for now they both seem to enjoy it and are quite good at it.

Here are a couple of cute pictures that Evans teacher took during the year. Im so proud of Evan....he is a good student and a good friend and he enjoys school. For now anyway.....


pete/chris whipple said...

He is sooo cute! Love his nice smile! So good they have a love of reading... good luck with kids in the house..movies are nice for some quiet time for all, trips to the library...WE are heading on vacation tomorrow, to Durango Co. for the train ride, then onto Manti for the pageant,,,wanna come?

Turleygirl said...

What a good looking boy he is. Way to go Evan! Loved the rainbow to!