Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ever Have One of Those Days......

You know the kind that start off a little rough around the edges? Well I am having one, however, after this post I am going to turn it around! Power of positive thinking. Somehow I managed to completely reset my alarm clock this morning instead of hitting the snooze button and since I worked until 1:00 a.m., my body simply did not wake up on the first ring. Therefore, at 8:30 I shot out of bed disoriented and panicky knowing that I was late for something..... oh yeah, the kids have to get to school (already late) ..... and Im supposed to pick my Grandma up at 8:30 to take her to her meeting (right now) .... and then Im supposed to go to the gym to run before I get Soren (too late now)....wheres my glasses, wheres my shoes, ahhhhhhhh!

That is how I started my day. You know what though.....its a great day. It really is, and it is going to get better each minute. To help the day out, Im going to list the things that I am grateful for today:


-I am not throwing up
-I lost 2 pounds this
-my kids arent sick
-I have a voice lesson tonight (yay, cant wait)
-Im running my first 5k on Saturday (or least running half of it :) )
-My house is semi-clean
-The election is over
-We have 4 seasons and it snowed
(although if it melted by Sat, I would be even happier)
-I am close to my family
-I am Blessed

See, Im feeling better already.....hope you all have an awesome day!


Alisha said...

Way to focus on the positive!

pete/chris whipple said...

...And I am blessed to have YOU for a neice!