Monday, April 14, 2008

Spring has Sprung....

Well at least for today.... It was an unbelievable day today! 70 degrees....nice little breeze....perfect. Im so ready for Spring. I decided to take advantage of the warm weather and do some much needed yard work. We have som seriously overgrown vines/ivy along the sides of the yard and house. I spent a couple of hours working but have many more hours to go. The saddest part is that once they are all pulled our yard is going to need some flowers to fill up the space! Im hoping my landlord will share that responsibility with me.....ha! I have to say, in all my life....I have never seen so many snails! I swear its like we are farming them or something. Escargot anyone? Earth worms too....Denver took the boys fishing this morning and I had asked him if he needed any money to buy worms. That was before I realized that we could open up our own shop right here.....blech! Hopefully now that all of those vines and thick ivy are gone, the snails will find somewhere else to breed. I took this picture of a tree in our backyard....popcorn popping!
So, after my adventures in yard work, me and the kids went to the park. Its really the first time that Addison has been when she can actually play! It was a lot of fun watching her explore the playground. Of course she really just wanted to follow her brothers around, climbing up the rocks and riding scooters. We had a nice time though and I took lots of pictures (see slide show below).... Denver fixed us a nice dinner and we commented that we will be having lots more dinners together now that his shift is changing. I guess Im going to have to beef up my cooking skills....:) Thankfully I have lots of good cooking blogs to frequent so I can find some good recipes! Well, Im off to bed...... it is supposed to be 80 degrees today! I cant wait to wake up and enjoy it. Good night!


Anonymous said...

SO beautiful! I love Spring!

Alisha said...

We thought spring was here to stay in Alabma, but then today our high was in the 40s. I hope that spring returns soon! Love the pictures in the park...Addison looks so petite and tiny next to her big brothers! So cute!